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April 15 - 17, 2025   |   8:30 AM - 4:00 PM  |  Ages 9 - 11

Registration Fee: $10 per day
Meals: Hot lunch and snack provided
Eligibility: Connecticut residents


Camp Adventures - Register for one day or all three

(Waitlist) Tuesday, April 15th - Be an Aquarist for the day!

Experience what it’s like to be an aquarist! Campers will learn how to set up a saltwater aquarium, monitor water quality, and maintain a healthy tank environment for marine life. They’ll explore a local beach and rocky intertidal zone collecting natural materials to create the ideal environment for their fish. Inside of our newly renovated seawater lab, students will work through a scavenger hunt to discover the diverse creatures that call Long Island Sound home. As a bonus, they’ll have the unique opportunity to help feed our marine animals!

(Waitlist) Wednesday, April 16th - Be an Ocean Engineer for the day!

Get ready for a day of hands-on engineering challenges! Campers will tackle a series of problems, building models that they can test, adjust, and redesign. Can your egg survive a 10-foot drop? Will your design keep an ice cube frozen? Plus, put your skills to the test as you take control of our remote-operated vehicle (ROV) and navigate it through the holding tank. It’s a day full of creativity, problem-solving, and fun.

(Waitlist) Thursday, April 17th - Be a Marine Biologist for the day!

Discover the fascinating animals of Long Island Sound! Students will have the opportunity to interact with a variety of marine creatures and learn how each species adapts to thrive in its unique habitat. Then, climb aboard our research vessel for an exciting hands-on experience as we collect data on the local harbor seal population. Learn about the incredible strategies seals use to stay warm and survive the chilly winter waters of Connecticut.

Camp Details

This camp opportunity is made possible by the CT Judicial Branch Youth Services Program


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