Edward Adam, was an exceptionally dynamic and charismatic man; a science teacher at Cutler JHS in Groton and one of the founders of Project Oceanology. Ed also represented the Groton School District for many years on the Project O Delegate Assembly. Project Oceanology benefited greatly from Ed's considerable practical manual skills, resourcefulness, experience with the outdoors, dedication to the environment and his wise and thoughtful advice which he provided with a contagious sense of humor.
As one of the founders of Project Oceanology, Ed spearheaded a group of educators to secure funding from the State of CT to begin the project. He helped to hire a director and gathered a solid core of teachers from surrounding towns, all of whom developed a strong commitment to the project and formed everlasting friendships.
Science education, the environment, farming and family were Ed's focus during his life. Ed was a gentle giant, with impressive strength and a big heart. This scholarship is in his memory.
Project Oceanology's summer marine science camps are designed to stop learning loss by inspiring student minds. Leaving electronic devices behind, students spend most of their week outdoors, active, and engaged in science activities. Under the guidance of our marine scientists, students learn critical thinking and problem-solving skills through real time data collection aboard our research vessels, on the shore, and in our laboratories. Our nurturing and "get-your-hands-wet" approach encourages students to delve into such topics as coastal geology, water chemistry, navigation, animal classifications, and adaptations while exposing them to potential careers in science.
Thank you in advance for considering honoring Ed in this manner. Project Oceanology’s mission is to nurture interest and inspire enthusiasm for science and our planet's marine environment. Your donation will help us provide a student with meaningful, fun summer camp experiences at Project Oceanology!
You may donate any amount by clicking on the donate button below, or mailing a check to the address below.
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Checks should be made out to the Interdistrict Committee for Project Oceanology and mailed to:
Project Oceanology
1084 Shennecossett Road
Groton, CT 06340
Please include the General Donation form with your gift.
Project Oceanology acknowledges all donations received, and Ed's family would like to acknowledge your donation to this scholarship fund. By donating, you are authorizing your contact information to be provided to Ed's family.