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Nearshore Fish Study

[Note: Underlined text indicates a link that downloads additional content.] 

Fish use estuaries for breeding and as safe nursery areas. In this 2.5 hour shore program, students will use seine nets to collect nearshore organisms. They will identify their catch, and study diversity, abundance, and size related to age of nearshore fish. They will also use field chemistry kits to measure water temperature, density, salinity, dissolved oxygen, CO2, and pH. Seining is one of our most popular shoreline activities, and with good reason! Waders will be provided, but students should come prepared with boots or shoes that can get wet.

*These are supplementary activities that can be used before or after Project Oceanology programs, designed to help teachers integrate their Project Oceanology experiences into the curriculum.

Alignment with Next Generation Science Standards

*Additional Resources for Teachers: 

Play the nearshore fish population game before you go to start students thinking about how estuaries work and how human activity might impact the estuary.  After your return, follow up with one or both of our data analysis activities!

Nearshore Fish Population Game

This game is designed to introduce students to a range of factors – some natural and some related to human activity – that might affect fish populations in estuaries.  

Data Analysis Activities

We provide two data analysis options. The nearshore fish diversity data analysis activity can be used with any nearshore fish study, while the silverside data analysis activity is designed for classes that collected a dataset on size structure of Atlantic Silverside populations.

Additional Resources for Elementary School

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